Saturday, March 2, 2013

girls camp.

every year, the girls in church ages 12-18 go to a camp. it is known around the world as girl's camp! basically, you spend a whole week living the outdoor life. in texas, it can also be known as misery camp, but it's so hot! my first year, it was probably no lower than 80 degrees the whole week-take into account, the 80's and low 90's were at night-but you do gain a lot of memories, which is why i bring these second year!
//these are from my first year//i'm the one with the big humongo hat//this was a brutal camp//it got to 110 one day

//you see all that sweat?//yes, it's sweat//no, it was not fun

//the rest are from my second year//very fun//in the hilly part of Oklahoma//90 the first day//rained that night (just like the year before)//was in the 80s the rest of the week!!//#best ever#

//in case you haven't noticed by now..//these are not hot shot photos//i took one shower the whole time there (4 days, mind you)//and trust me on this, my hair does not work in humidity//or even air drying//and i've learned that i really don't look good in just plain t-shirts

//it was so gorgeous!

//the one at the very front with the floaty

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